Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Choose the Best color schemes for the interior of your house

An interior color scheme can give a room a sense of well being or it can be oppressive. The colors in your home are an expression of the individuality of the people who live there and a matter of personal taste, but sometimes people feel anxious about choosing the Paint color in their home for fear of making a costly error.

Paint is the most versatile element of your Interior Design. It is available in thousands of colors, so the paint color for your room should be the thing you choose last, after your carpet, curtains and other Fabrics have been finalized.

The most obvious solution when painting small rooms in a small house is to paint them white, because white, with its reflective qualities, will make a room seem bigger. Color can make your home come alive with beauty.

Color is very powerful. Psychologists believe it can influence our moods and how we feel about spending time in a particular room. Psychologists credit certain colors as having specific associations. Like :-

Yellow is considered a bright, warm and cheerful color.

Blue is considered restful, soothing and cool.

Green is also considered soothing, reassuring and natural.

Black is sleek and elegant

Deep Purple suggests grandeur and opulence, while lighter violet is feminine.

White is stylish and, like gray and black, it amplifies the effects of other colors.

Red and orange are exciting and will make a person feel uneasy if there is too much of them in a room.

A bright intense Red might make us feel uncomfortable while soft pink makes us feel happy and peaceful at the same time.

We may want to choose very different colors for your bedroom than those we choose for our kitchen, but it is a good idea to connect all rooms by using a common color somewhere, even if it is only in our furnishings.

Be sure to get advice from the experts when choosing the interior color scheme for your house so you don’t make any mistakes

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